The Virulent Heirloom of Warfare

Author: Ishika Srivastava is a 4th year student at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal.


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which erupted in 2022, has left an indelible mark on the region, with devastating and long-term consequences that threaten both the environment and human health. Despite the gravity of the situation, the environmental impact of the war has been largely overlooked, but the ramifications are far-reaching and could last for decades.

The destruction and devastation caused by the conflict have had a profound impact on the environment, affecting water, soil, air, and wildlife. The destruction of critical infrastructure, human casualties, and damage to industrial facilities have led to the release of toxic chemicals, further compounding the environmental impact.

The war has resulted in the violation of various environmental laws in both Ukraine and Russia, with consequences that will be felt for years to come. The conflict has caused the destruction of habitats, loss of biodiversity, and displacement of wildlife, in violation of the Bern Convention. Species such as the European bison and the lynx have seen a significant decline in their populations in the region.

The destruction of infrastructure, including water treatment facilities, has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions, in violation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The use of heavy weaponry has caused soil contamination, further exacerbating the greenhouse gas emissions. The conflict has disrupted environmental monitoring, regulation, and management, making it difficult to assess the full extent of the environmental damage caused by the conflict.

The public’s participation in environmental decision-making has been hindered, and resources have been diverted away from environmental protection efforts, making it difficult to address long-term environmental issues, in violation of the Aarhus Convention.

The conflict’s impact on the environment has not been limited to Ukraine, as it has also spilled over into neighbouring countries such as Russia and Belarus. The use of heavy weapons has caused soil erosion, making it challenging for plants to grow, leading to widespread deforestation, and contributing to climate change by reducing carbon sequestration. The pollution of rivers and streams has caused significant damage to aquatic ecosystems, with many people suffering from water-borne diseases.

The environmental damage caused by the conflict is far-reaching and must not be overlooked. It is time for the international community to come together and take decisive action to address this issue, not just for the sake of the environment, but for the sake of human health and well-being.

Ripples of the Russia-Ukraine War

The devastating impact of the Ukraine-Russia conflict on the environment cannot be overstated. The immediate impact has been severe, with critical infrastructure like water treatment plants destroyed, leading to water contamination and scarcity. Toxic chemicals, including ammonia, chlorine, and hydrochloric acid, have been released into the environment, contributing to poor air and water quality. The burning of oil and gas wells and industrial fires have further added to the problem, resulting in smoke and particulate matter in the air, which poses a health risk to people in the affected areas.

The impact of the conflict on air quality has been felt not only in Ukraine and Russia but also in neighbouring countries, such as Poland and Romania. The use of heavy weaponry, including artillery, rockets, and bombs, has caused high levels of particulate matter and other pollutants in the air, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues.

The destruction of water treatment plants has had a severe impact on water quality in Ukraine, leading to a disruption of water supply and scarcity in some areas. The lack of access to clean water has also led to health issues for people in affected areas. Russian forces have damaged critical infrastructure and industrial facilities, causing hazardous chemicals and pollutants to leak into nearby water sources, which has made them unfit for consumption.

The long-term impact of the conflict on the environment is yet to be fully understood, but it is evident that the restoration of critical infrastructure, such as water treatment plants, will take time and resources. The economic impacts of the conflict will also be significant, with the cost of rebuilding and restoring infrastructure estimated to be high.

The impact of the conflict on wildlife and biodiversity in the region has also been significant. Habitat destruction has led to a loss of biodiversity, and wildlife has been poisoned due to the release of toxic chemicals. Human-wildlife conflicts have also arisen due to habitat destruction and displacement of wildlife.

The long-term impact of the conflict on the environment is yet to be fully understood, and addressing it will require significant resources and international cooperation.

Policy Responses and Efforts Made to Address the Environmental Impacts of the War in Ukraine

International organizations, such as the United Nations Environment Programme and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, have been involved in addressing the environmental impact of the conflict. However, there is a need for a legal framework to address environmental damage during conflicts, and experts have called for environmental accountability.

The Ukrainian government, with the support of international organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has launched several projects to restore damaged ecosystems, improve water quality, and promote sustainable land use. The WWF and Greenpeace have also been working to address the environmental impact of the conflict by protecting wildlife and habitats in the conflict zone and raising awareness about the issue. The OECD report suggests that a green reconstruction effort is needed to address the environmental damage caused by the conflict, and the Ukrainian government has taken steps to address the environmental impacts by investing in renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The international community has also responded to the environmental impacts of the conflict by launching initiatives and providing funding for environmental remediation projects in Ukraine. However, challenges remain, including the lack of resources, the ongoing nature of the conflict, and the difficulty of access to affected areas.

It is crucial to recognize the severity of the environmental impact of the conflict and take action to mitigate its effects and prevent further damage to the environment and human health. The environmental destruction has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with millions of people at risk of exposure to hazardous pollutants and displacement from their homes.

The environmental impact of the Russia-Ukraine war underscores the importance of considering the environmental impact of wars and conflicts and the need for international cooperation and legal frameworks to minimize the negative impact of wars on the environment. Efforts must continue to be made to minimize the environmental impact of the conflict and hold those responsible for environmental damage accountable for remediation and compensation.

The importance of considering the environmental impact of wars and conflicts underscores the need for international cooperation, environmental treaties, and legal frameworks to minimize their negative impact on the environment. The ongoing conflict is a reminder that wars have severe environmental impacts, and it is essential to take action to prevent further damage to the environment and human health.


In conclusion, wars have historically had a significant impact on the environment, causing damage to natural resources and ecosystems, and posing risks to human health and livelihoods. Deforestation, soil degradation, water pollution, wildlife destruction, and human health impacts are some of the environmental impacts that have resulted from wars throughout history. While the environmental impact of wars can be difficult to quantify, it is important to consider these impacts when making decisions about military action. Efforts to minimize the environmental impact of wars should be made, and those responsible for environmental damage should be held accountable for remediation and compensation. The importance of protecting the environment in times of conflict underscores the need for international cooperation, environmental treaties, and legal frameworks to minimize the negative impact of wars on the environment. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, it is clear that the conflict has had significant environmental consequences. The conflict has destroyed infrastructure, damage to natural habitats, and the release of pollutants, posing risks to human health and the environment. The environmental impact of the conflict has been exacerbated by the use of heavy weaponry, the targeting of critical infrastructure, and the destruction of industrial facilities. While efforts have been made to assess and mitigate the environmental damage, challenges remain, including the lack of resources, the ongoing nature of the conflict, and the difficulty of access to affected areas. Efforts must continue to be made to minimize the environmental impact of the conflict and to hold those responsible for environmental damage accountable for remediation and compensation. The environmental impact of the Russia-Ukraine war underscores the importance of considering the environmental impact of wars and conflicts, and the need for international cooperation and legal frameworks to minimize the negative impact of wars on the environment.

The environmental destruction has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with millions of people at risk of exposure to hazardous pollutants and displacement from their homes. The international community needs to recognize the severity of the environmental impact of the conflict and take action to mitigate its effects and prevent further damage to the environment and human health.


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